The star u gave me..
Thursday, May 19, 2005
sun set at 12:29 AM

Long day....

Today have been a long tiring n sian...
d new colleague have been seating wif me, learning programming haha, hee so now i have company lor. Feels so much better to have someone learning wif u:p
Whole day have been quite bored coz not much problem to solve, plus mostly can let d new colleague try:p Then i'll be more free:p
Finally today din eat bread for lunch, went out for lunch haha. Too bored d whole day sia. Ard 3pm+, Boss call to go briefing...tot will end quiet fast, in d end wah...all d way till end of day haha. Its briefing abt another program Training which will be conducted by him. Well coz his been send to Brazil to conduct training he wan to start off wif us 1st lah....:p Well, quite look forward to his training, coz have to focus on wat he say:p His accent sometimes i cant catch*.* Seems like if it starts tml, then my whole day i'll be drained again....
Oh, company going to have a trip to Batam this July 1st-3rd. Mum having been asking me..."u sure wanna go ah? Ur company really going ah?" Coz recently there is earthquake there again..tats y...
Haiz...dunno what to write liao...
Yesterday met qing for dinner, then went her house. Was showing her d new POT musical as the previous musical's cast graduated from d musical, so now got new cast....D new one when i watch i was like ^.^lllll haha. Qing also same feeling:p Then she raided my portable hdd:p
Hmm...dunno wat else to update n its getting late...think i'll go sleep liao...hope tml will be a better day...
Hmm...miss d poly frens...gers when free for another gathering ah???