The star u gave me..
Monday, May 16, 2005
sun set at 9:35 PM


Wah, time fast wor, May liao. Hee din blog for sometime liao Gomen ne. Well, partly is becoz at d beginning of this month, i was on training. Too drain by the end of the day so din blog:p Hee, Well, after training ended, d first thing i have to do must be going to d dentist ba. Since i start working at this company, i have been eating a lot of sweets n chocolate;( Everyday at work is quite enriching n fun, but after my training ended, i was put on practical practise of answering calls...wah, really scary, cant even make out wat the name of the caller or d company is, so paiseh. Well, mayb as time goes by i'll get a hang of it:p
Last, last sat after work, meet out qing go cut hair. Hee feel so much better n lighter:p Then went over hua's place to transfer stuff to her^.^ Hee, we have quite a good chat wif all kinds of topics...keep going till 1+am then go home. Quite reluctant to go back haha, was thinking, y not juz stayovern have a whole nite chat haha. So we plan to see if we can have one d following week since qing n i took leave on fri(13th).
13th Fri went out wif hua, qing n sok to ktv, n have a sleepover at sok's place. Hmm..once in a while have such stayover is quite fun haha. Suppose to be a chatty nite, in d end, we're watching tv:p Hee, its onli till 1+ - 2am then d chit chat starts. Din really tok much, but quite fun lah haha...
Recently have been watching korean drama Lovers in Paris. Borrowed d vcd from sok...but well, eventually i bought d disc too haha. Lovers in Paris is a very fairytale-like story, which the romance will nv have happen in this society. Well, then this drama quite entertaining n d ost is nice. After watching korean drama, sometimes it makes me blur between jap n korean language haha
I happen to come across this site:, which we can learn all kinds of langauges n can make penpals too. Hee, i sign up to learn Jap, Korean n french ^.^ everyday is work n home, work n home...sometimes juz feel tat there is no life... When got home, will on pc to see if have any anime, manga or drama to watch hmm.... sad ah...
Actually, today during lunch, i was blogging wif quite a long blog haha, but then disappear! Sharks! Now i din really know wat to write liao...mood not there liao xp
Thinking of changing this layout...hmm..wait till weekend tired n sleepy now.....