The star u gave me..
Thursday, April 28, 2005
sun set at 12:10 PM


Woh, last weekend was stunned by my grandma's disappearance. Aunt called to say she n another aunt took bus to tampines buy stuff. but when my aunt got off d bus, she cant find grandma. So all d families went out to look for her. Well, as for my family, when we abt to go out find too, aunt called say grandma found. She actually got off earlier n was lost. But she took a cab to 3rd aunt's house. Thank God.
Hee, this week i din dl any anime at all yet. mayb tonite can start haha...naruto mah.
Recently have very weird dreams. Imagine i dreamt tat i am sleeping when i'm actually sleeping!!!! wah..... Stress ah.
Have been is so bored. When working, everyday is work then go home...What's LIFE!!!!!! I tend to make myself cry to release some stress, else i make myself cranky haha. Sad ah, live until like tat.