The star u gave me..
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
sun set at 11:29 PM


Hee, yesterday nite went to see doc finally for my shoulder pain.Hmm...he gave me med for nerve pain hmm...n antibiotic too. Best of all he put me on MC today:p heehee. These few days at work have been very peaceful n i start to make call to d client when i finish editing their requests:) Quite fun n i have to pick up d probgramming which, i think is more fun then VB n c program:p
The pain on my shoulder have been on for a i was nagged to go see doc fast:p dunno y after i start working, my shoulder hurts...i used to have this kind of pain b4, but usually for a few days...this time a week liao...haiz....Dunno if its d positioning of d pc in d office or what...hmmm.....Well then at least today i got a full good rest:) althought still have d pain lah.
A lot of anime end liao, but then starting of this month, a lot of new animes r out too^o^ i ones at i'm after are Erementar_Gerad, Tsubasa Chronicle, Mar, Izumo, Magister_Negi_Magi...etc...some in chinese names so better dun put lah haha. D on-going one now onli left naruto ;( Hmmm....recently finish watching gokusen 1 & 2^o^ very nice gokuen(school) story. I can help watching it over n over agin comical. Today went to d comic shop to return some books, then heard from d shopkeeper tat their bosses intend to sell off their shop *sob* then i no place go rent comic liao ;( D shopkeeper ask me if i wanna buy over...i was like *.*llll how to?! i dun have tat much of $$ although i wanna have a comic shop of my own^.^. Anyone wanna join partnership or wanna have a shop of their own, let me know:) coz d shop intend to pass down d whole shop including d comics as well as d members they have now. Haiz...really hope someone can keep this shop going.......haiz.....