The star u gave me..
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
sun set at 12:08 AM


Haiz. another week passed. Work is getting more n more interesting ^o^ but my shoulder pain is back...qing say i may have chronic is juz d right side dunno if my left shoulder will be affected.... Hee, after getting office email addr, have been mailing qing very often hee, saving smsing $$ also:p
Last fri smuggled hua out to go KTV n then dinner at my place haha. In d morning, woke up at 650am, then reached orchard ard 8+am. So early is bcoz gotta accomapny sok go take pic of d tunnel tat link to Tangs for her project. Real weird to do tat early in d morning:p Hee, after tat we wondered ard to see where we can have breakfast. Finally, have a long waited coffee bean breakfast haha. Since last yr say wanna go coffeebean for breakfast but din go, so finally have d chance..... its really a very enjoyable morning, sitting at a cafe at orchard enjoying the sight of people walking ard on a weekday:) Then went sok's house to put down her stuff, then waited for hua to get ready b4 going to pick her. went kbox, have klunch n then d happy hrs...haha then after tat waited for qing to join us after her work. Poor ger suffered under a pig-headed boss:p Well, meal at my place was alrite. Then daniel dropped by n have a chat...hee really long time no see:p Ard 10pm+ Asked dad to send hua n sok home, whereas qing will still stay to continue watch anime n drama haha. D best part is after sending hua dad actually wanna take a route from punggol back home but he lost his way! n qing were like wah...luckily we din stay in punggol, if not i'll be scared by d silence in d nite n d area tat all look the same! Very eerie like we have been going ard in circles...wah....sweat ah. By the time i reached home again is 11pm+ Qing was very steady watching out for road signs to find way back^o^ Then she stayed till 12am+ then go back home. D next day she'll still be over at my place mah haha.
Haiz...sad, POT end ;( n it have a quite touching ending...making me teared. Not onli PoT, tactics ended too...*sob* suddenly like all d anime i after r all coming to an end *o* rumble n haruka hachiyou shou also is waiting for naruto to end.....*sob sob*
Me now watching a drama call gokusen. Its a female ver of GTO, but d story very comical:) D ending also very touching. Hee, trying to make myself cry these days:p On my bday tat day, coz po have matters to settle so we din celebrate, well then, at least qing wif me d whole day haha, thanx ger for accompanying me^o^ The scary thing is at 6pm+ i got a bouquet of flowers(rose) delivered to my doorstep....wah when i see d color of d rose...onli 1 person i know would sent it...haiz....fancy to have disappear for so long, y suddenly send me rose...the tot scares me:p Hmm...but then, d bouquet is nice lah haha.
K lah, i'll try update more often if my shoulder pain dun persist........