The star u gave me..
Monday, April 18, 2005
sun set at 12:24 PM

Starting of a week....

hee, me now at work place typing this blog :p hmm...very fast...already a month liao. My shoulder now quite ok after i took d med n have sufficient rest^o^ Sometimes will still pain lah...think will juz go see seiseh liao if cant cure.
Last nite was toking to hua over d phone at 1+ am haha chat until 3am, my dad's alarm clock rang then switch location from living rm to my bed haha...if not my dad will be..."wah, today working yet haven go sleep!!!!!" so hua called my hp when i got to d rm..but well, her hp low batt soon after too lah :p
Whole of last week hmm...din really have much happening.. oh, sl called me to ask me what job she should choose as she was being offered 2... well...toked d whole of my lunch hr n she still not very sure...but then she did decide on 1. The next day she sms me...she comments. for details, go ask her ba*.*
Now working life really is after work go home thing...onli entertainment i have is to get animes n drama to watch. Sad life ne.
Sok going for op tml...well..she is fully geared :p
haiz....dunno wat to write liao ;(
Okie, think i'll juz end here. going for my lunch liao. My colleagues cooking bee hoon haha. Sore te Jya^.*