The star u gave me..
Sunday, May 01, 2005
sun set at 4:45 AM

New Music for the blog^o^

Hee, juz got Naruto's 3rd ost. The music all quite good. Hee the piece that i like is the one playing now^o^, sound sad but soothing. I also have Erementar Gerad(new anime)'s one. Very nice music too. Nw onli waiting for tsubasa chronicles one to be out hohoho^.^
Wah, juz now actually wanna go sleep liao, but then at ard 145am, a car go knock down the fencing at the centre divider in front of my house. And it flipped to a side too, wow. At 1st i thot d car juz ski but then it follwed by a bang so i kepo go window see see:p Think no one get any serious injury, d driver n passenger still quite calm..hmm...but anyway, the ambulance came still. The police barred the area but still have to allow other cars to pass. Ha, all d cars n motorcycles tat pass will go slow motion passing the accident scene,.quite funny:p The whole incident took abt an hr to clear off scene, including towing away the car n remove the fencing from the road. I really wonder how the car go knock the fencing...hmm....
Today, went Causeway Pt meet Serene n Pearlina. They meeting for lunch then go pedicure..wah enjoy life haha. Well, meet them up for a while before going compass point meet huishan and hua, later joined by sok. Serene pass me photos of her son Jerel. So kawaii haha. Next time must ask her bring the baby out, altho very troublesome lah :p Hmm...stayed wif them for a while at Sakae then quickily say bye to go meet hua n huishan, but still i'm damn late. The bus also like going against me dun wanna come ;( Finaly the bus came, when i reach is 2 pm+ liao...Gomen ne. They were at yoshinoya waiting for me n haven order food yet...feel so bad *.* Woh, Huishan blangar us lunch ^_^ Hee, then next time our turn to treat her back haha.
Sok ultimate, she sneak out of her house after her grandma fell asleep. Haha coz if she dun do this, her grandma won't allow her to go out at all.But, she did let her mum know she joining us lah. Actually Qing coming my house today, but then...eventually the meeting wif hua they all lasted till dinner time. So qing say mayb come another day....Gomen nasai*o*
Have quite a long chat wif them, then decide to go walk walk ard. Hua wanna get mother's day present. So we went metro to shop. She bought perfume for her mum. Then, went Sembawang music shop to buy CD. Sok bought Paris lian ren's ost(hee, me saw d ost then show it to her to ci4 ji1her:p) and Twin's album. Dinner is settled at Wasabi...wah today whole day eat Jap food:p haha. After dinner, hua went to draw $$ whereas sok go see see if got dress to buy since got 50% off. Hmm...she today really is man zai er gui ah...come empty-handed besides her wallet, go back is a few bags haha. Hua, was browsing at poh heng. A pendant caught her eye but she dunno if wanna buy...hmm... Eventually dun seems to have any other stuff to shop, we decided to head home. Took cab send hua home 1st, then sok's. When on way to sok's place she say wanna go hougang green. So i drop there wif her, walk ard for a while b4 accompany her home to get vcd from her.
On my way back home, called bro to go down to d vcd shop wait for me, coz he say got vcd he wanna buy...;( but then in d end i'm d one footing the bill *sob* sad ah... Also went to d vcd rental shop to rent vcd...the serial he watching have box 2 then finish the set. So luck lah, today have the box 2, so borrow foot d bill again *sob sob* My salary flow out like that....
Got home, watched Tian Long Ba Bu. After that, go online surf, chat n check mail. then the day gone juz like that.....Life n time is passing juz like that...whats life......
Hmm...recently a bit cranky n morbid now this shoulder pain on n off coming......haiz.....wat to