The star u gave me..
Monday, February 02, 2015
sun set at 10:58 AM

Time is going too fast

A month of this 2015 has passed and CNY is just round the corner. Seems so fast each day goes by. A lot of spring cleaning need to be done. As always, i have to clear away as much of stuff as possible. I have a tendency of storing things which might no longer be of use, or just not necessary. But sometimes i just can't make up my mind to throw it away :p *MUST THROW THIS TIME*

I have been pondering what i will wanna achieve this year. There have been changes here and there but i have not been anticipating much. Felt so detected in most things. Dunno why keep having a feel that i am at a crossroad. Need a direction to go. *feeling emo :(*

First thing is i must fulfill the Japan trip! 

Time at work is going like a breeze. The new environment to adapt, new people to socialize with, new skills to learn etc. Keep having a thought: Is this what i want to do?
I can't complain about it as i am getting paid much better and job is not as tedious as the previous. Is it that the pace is too slow? No system in doing stuff that made me wonder how things are gonna be handle and follow-up?

A lot of things is going on in my mind. But i dunno what is hindering i feeling stress? Or im merely thinking too much. Hope i dun lose my focus and run wild :p