The star u gave me..
Monday, November 10, 2014
sun set at 5:07 PM

A thought on relationship

Recently a friend posted a status on FB commenting that a 3rd party is not just in relationship, but also in friendship. So i texted her asking so who d 3rd party is? She didn't gave me a direct reply. Just ask me to go reflect and think about the happening these days.

Hmm more or less i think i have a hunch of who the person might be. It seems like a situation i faced when in secondary school whereby i was in different class each yr so tend to have different groups of friends.I was 'questioned' by my classmate why i keep going out with another group of friend in the other class. I am just going out with whoever ask me out first mah...i dunno what is wrong with that.

Some friends who knows about this asked me if its jealousy? I dunno, but feel that its kinda weird :p I am purely going out with friends who are free thats all. There are times when some friends are not free but another is free...seriously i dunno. Why is it like more complex than in relationship. In relationship you just have to be committed to 1 person whereas friendship, maybe involve individuals or a group.

Another question from a friend is whether believing in a platonic friendship. I do believe as i do have such friends :p

I treasure friendship more then anything. I prefer to keep things simple. Sometimes i am at a lost when kena questioned why i am spending more time with this friend n not that friend. I mean, it depends on their availability ba. I dun always call up to friends to go out. Mostly is because everyone are busy with their own stuff, which i dun want to disturb. Normally i am the more free one, so anytime jio go out i am mostly free to go. Can't we think simply?

I am sorry if my action caused anyone to feel neglected but i didn't mean to...