The star u gave me..
Friday, October 24, 2014
sun set at 4:18 PM

Another boring day......

It has been 3 months since I started on my new job in this new company. Life has been simple and with no worries. Too easy i can say, which in turn makes me think of having the vibe that i am not doing enough. Each day pass with mostly nothing much to do. I can be on the pc surfing internet, fb-ing etc. It seems to be starting to bored me out. I cannot be complaining though. What job pays you and you just sit and do not much?

I am getting bored...
Dunno what i can do...besides surf net, Fb, online games, reading ebooks etc. Even now...blogging hmm...
It kind of getting me feel very restless and a bit emo for dunno what reason.
Argh! Need to find something to do. Maybe it is a good time to reflect on my doings? Stone @ work? Sharks, think i need an outlet to shout all i want and start to cry >.<
Getting emo... :p