The star u gave me..
Monday, December 22, 2014
sun set at 12:20 PM

Love is...

Why am i starting on this? Well its because have been seeing friends around me being hurt here and there by this 'LOVE'. Some may be very fortunate some are just so unlucky.

Love is a very special feeling. It can make you feel in heaven as well as miserable like hell. A friend who recently experience a breakup has been in a miserable state. Every now and then will try look for people to keep accompany so that the thought of breakup can be distracted. But well, it doesn't seems to be working if the one person does not walk out of the relationship. We as friends can only console but to walk out of it will have to depend on individual. Saying is always easy, but doing yeah i understand it is hard. Emotions can be overwhelmed at times till no matter how rational you are thinking, actions may be otherwise.

I guess i am afraid of this hurt.....