The star u gave me..
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
sun set at 12:30 PM

Allergy or Irritation??

Kena rashes on the neck area since Saturday. At first is just some pricks, sunday was a bit red and itchy. On Monday it becomes red and swollen >.
Ever since starting at this new job, i have not taken a single mc at all (amused some people :p). After 3 mths, down with this rashes, i have no choice but to go see doc, take mc cause it is really red and itchy. Doc was very cute. He was trying to determine if it is an allergy or just an irritation, explaining the difference which blurred me =.=.  Apparently the Oxy cover pimple cream that i just started to use might be the cause of this irritation. 
Have been using it for about 2 weeks but not daily. But still it caused the itch n rash. When used in Korea i was ok. Doc say weather difference affect. Very cutely after diagnosis, he said to me to avoid perspiration at all cause. I was like..."huh?!" Singapore weather possible meh. Plus my house only have fan, no aircon.

Well i was given 2 days mc to rest at home and thankfully, the redness subsided. Now is just pinkish n a bit of a itch. Back to office was good as its air conditioned :p Hope i can recover by friday, have a feast waiting for me on saturday >.<

Friday, October 24, 2014
sun set at 4:18 PM

Another boring day......

It has been 3 months since I started on my new job in this new company. Life has been simple and with no worries. Too easy i can say, which in turn makes me think of having the vibe that i am not doing enough. Each day pass with mostly nothing much to do. I can be on the pc surfing internet, fb-ing etc. It seems to be starting to bored me out. I cannot be complaining though. What job pays you and you just sit and do not much?

I am getting bored...
Dunno what i can do...besides surf net, Fb, online games, reading ebooks etc. Even now...blogging hmm...
It kind of getting me feel very restless and a bit emo for dunno what reason.
Argh! Need to find something to do. Maybe it is a good time to reflect on my doings? Stone @ work? Sharks, think i need an outlet to shout all i want and start to cry >.<
Getting emo... :p