The star u gave me..
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
sun set at 2:49 PM

A Change...

Wow it has been super duper long since i last updated this blog :p
Life has been going on as per normal every other day. The cycle does not change. There may be some happenings here and there but well i guess its not that major. Plus, my memory quite short term so mostly i won't remember too lol :p

A decision to be made and move on after 9+ years of service in the company was a tough one. But i think it is a need. Leaving a place of convenience (the distance to work) and familiarity is a challenge. You never know what to expect from the new job, the environment, the people. But...You will Never Know if you Never Try.

And so...i quit. It may be a bit rush to leave without getting a job first but if i continue to wait...i think i will really be getting the 10 yrs award which im not keen >.< Giving myself 3 months to rest and look for job.

While serving my last month of service, its very tedious as there is a lot of training scheduled...really squeezing me dry. But there is no feel that i am leaving. So unreal. Its like i am just going on long leave....*sigh* The start of my jobless life was so weird. I am quite lost waking up every morning just to know tell myself..." need go work already". The thought of being jobless never really sink in and i actually wake up at 7+ every morning -.-lll Its like i am on MC or on leave...hmmm. Not much change in life except that i'm jobless. Going for interviews, meet and catch up with friends, helping out at the store etc. There are a few interviews which i am quite looking forward to but not sure if i am too nervous, i am usually blank in interviews.

After 3 weeks of idling, i got an interview appointment which i was giving myself a vibe that i am not keen to go. Called up the company to confirm the timing, dragging till the last minute then get out of the house to the place. The 1st impression of the company so cramp. See boxes lying around and monitors here and there. But it has a cozy feel. Not sure if is it because it has the similar color scheme as my ex-company... Then the interview starts...i did not catch my interviewer's name at all and am not sure what is going on. After 15-20mins and the boss just said "ok, when can you start work." I was like.."Huh?!" I even asked..."you mean i got the job?" The boss wanted me to start earlier since its just beginning of July, but i wanted to give myself more break so drag to 21st haha. Nothing about the benefits were discussed as i am already stunned and dunno where my soul flown to.  Called my mum to tell her i got a job, text a few friends and my ex-manager. Seriously need someone to talk to. I am too surprised. Met my ex-manager for lunch and we talked. She was very encouraging and said just go and try, else can consider going back under her again since she not leaving (for goodness sack NO! *faint*) Went back to ex-office and chit chat with some. Dun wanna go home so early since go back also nothing to do, so stayed till office close and manage to catch up with most of the ex-colleagues :) 1 thing i noticed, the more i feel that i do not want or not keen about the job, the more i will get it...strange. It happened to the past 2 jobs too hmm...
And viola! I start work on 21st July 2014. New environment, new people to work with. Working on a finally 5-days work week from 9am-6pm. As its 1st day of work, so cannot be late right. Got to my office at 830am but...argh....its a wrong move...i waited for more than half an hour outside the door. Felt like leaving....haiz...what to do but to stay and wait...905am see someone open the door...but no people in office. people start coming in and wow, its 930am already.... It is a small company, the staff here are all very friendly. The only thing is...there is not much of a SOP here. My scope here is to do up menus for the POS system; handle hotline calls; provide training and guide existing or new customer. Good thing here is, no need to sit and read manuals. They prefer hands-on and on-site learning which is good. Got chance to go onsite to see a variety of F&Bs like restaurants, pubs, bistro/cafes etc. But becoz of not much SOPs...somethings are just not organised. Like when answer calls, to address as what, where to reach the calls? Escalate to where etc. The boss said not to worry as it will take a few months more before they fully swing the hotline over to let me and another female colik to handle. To me, answer calls is not an issue as i have been doing it for more then 7 years. So after a month everyday...nothing much to do. Almost everyday do not have much things to do besides surf net. It will be a happy thing to be attached to engineer and go out to customers' site which also means might be able to go home early :) Many people will be envious of this as you get paid n yet do nothing much. But i feel so unaccomplished >o< For now, juz enjoy the honeymoon period i guess :)

And Yesh! I am going on trip to Seoul again heehee. This time even longer. For 10 days! Get to see SJ and get to tour around Seoul and Jeju ^o^v
Starting 1 week countdown!....