The star u gave me..
Friday, February 01, 2013
sun set at 3:44 PM

A new 2013

Wow, in a blink, 1 month pass by and its February already! This new year marks a new beginning in workplace as i finally jump out of job position and transfer to marketing dept^.^
Firstly i was told i have to occasionally give training, but the thing is...i immediately hv a brand new system to digest and to cough out training materials in 2-3 wks =.=lll The whole of January is in total madness as i have to juggle with training and marketing at the same time. Thankfully, manager and staff are helpful and has really help me a great deal. Otherwise i think i will have been super stress and practically cannot cope.

New change this position (no longer assist engineer, now business executive lol, new hair cut (finally cut short after years of long hair:p) and color. A lot of new stuff to explore. Boss is gd enough to give me a new laptop and an extended monitor^o^

 Now feb...another 2 training to go...more marketing events to coordinate...and starting to feel that im more like a PA ...hmmm... Hope this year i can achieve more and hopefully earn more too :( Looking forward to Bali trip in march....

Resolution for this yr:
1. More holiday trips
2. Continue korean language course
3. Save more $$