The star u gave me..
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
sun set at 12:50 PM

Another end of a year...bye 2011....

It has been a year since i last written anything here. Time is really slipping without knowing it has already passed by so fast.
This year is quite meaningful but also accompany with lotsa ups & downs.

My memory is failing...age catching up:p But the good memories are always there. The bad i will erase n forget from my mind! Dun wanna make myself feel so miserable and in anger>.<
Why does the bad thing have to continue till this time of the year?! Haiz...dun wanna start this entry in complaints:(

To update the happy moments^o^

Have 2 main wonderful trips this year which is like never before of taking 7hrs of flight.
1st trip is to Melbourne with Net to visit Qing at the same time to relax n nuah hohoho ^o^v It is really a super relax free & easy 5 days trip with good company, nice weather & scenery.
Was recommended to take Emirates and Viola! Service is gd and the pricing is gd lol.
Have a great time catching up and also to see the city that dear friend Qing is residing in.
Will wanna go visit again:)

2nd trip is to Korea (Seoul + Jeju-Do). Its my 1st time going on a tour package.
All the previous trips were free and easy so i was a little nervous when go on this tour as many have told me that the timing is rushing & have to wake up super early for traveling=.=lll
Lucky thing is, this tour was not rushing and our guide n leader are really nice people. Made friends with the tour leader too, really nice n bubbly person. Jeju-do was a great place. We were there when it was announced being selected as one of the 7 wonders of Nature! Guess what, me n BJ was caught on Jeju's TV news as we are at one of the venue where the celebration was taking place.
We were thrilled to see our faces on the news:p Too bad did't manage to tape it down cause too sudden haha. Tried a lot of stuff @ jeju like going for Jetboat, ATV ride, under the sea in Submarine, fruit plucking @ tangerine farm etc^^
Korea is a really good place for shopping. Can't believe that i actully overspent there >.< As the season is late autumn going to winter, the weather was cold but i'm enjoying it:)
Shincheon station there has a street like the HK's nu ren jie or was it like taiwan's wufenpu. Nevertheless, its great to shop! Have not manage to go round the whole of Dongdaemun:( Hopefully i can have another free & easy trip there again^o^v (provided have enough $$ saved).
Next target trip is to Japan! Have to Save! Save! Save!

Due to an unpleasant incident, my 5 yr award ($500) n part of bonus was taken up to pay for a lump sum ($700+) that was not my mistake! This month is a super broke month as there its Christmas n also lotsa of bday babies...d bonus has been used to buy presents and paid the bills...what do i have left? Happily thinking "Yesh, finally a month i can get $3k+ of pay" real sia....Luckily i still hv the additional 3 days leave from d 5 yr award...but the $$ haiz...

Another sad thing is the closing of the comic shop Xun Meng Yuan aka Comic Dreamland. Since secondary school, the shop has been my hangout place. Reading comic has been a hobby since young starting from Dragonball, Slamdunk, Fushigi Yugi, Yu Yu Hakusho, Sailormoon, Naruto, Bleach etc many i have read and it keeps me immerse in fantasy world, releasing the everyday stress and always inspiring me with imagination. Without this hangout place, i won't have met this group of wonderful friends for life buddies. I wonder if without a place like this when i need a place to stay and be away from home issue, without the people i met there, will i go astray in my teenage years? This is also where i start my 1st part-time job as a shop assistant and brushing up on customer service lol :p. Mayb at a period of time when grew older, this place no longer play as important role as before but it is a place full of fond memories. The birthday celebrations, the x'mas & new year parties, the guardian angel games brought the group of friends and staff real close. When heard about the closing, there seems like some part is lose somewhere...Although there is a period that the place was avoided but there are no forever grouches. Eventually i still went back and borrow books as usual or chit chat with the staff etc. Previously it was downsizing but its still it is closing down...there is a kind of sadness that is indescribable ;( The boss has been kind and sold us d comic at a really cheap deal and till d last day, even gave us for free...asking us to adopt the comic...the love for comic reading never the books i have, lying on bed reading, a great way to spend free time @ home besides sitting in front of pc watching online dramas:p Bye XMY ;(.....

Yes, the year is ending and closing my entry. Looking back...seems like i didn't acheive much. Am always wondering like i have been always doing things but what am i doing actually? Dilemma....

Setting resolution for next year!
1. To take up a language course!
2. Take JLPT n4 exam
3. Keep fit
4. Earn and save more >.<
5. Go on Holiday!