The star u gave me..
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
sun set at 9:27 PM

A feeling that i thought long forgotten...

Today when got home from work, i was feeling very normal as usual. Until i went to the room and change out of my working attire, i found all d clothes on the hanging bar is gone! It thought mum has cleared off for went to ask her...
To my astonishment, she said she threw all away into the rubbish chute!!! For goodness sake, i HATE it when i find my stuff missing and was not even asked and the next moment, it will never be found!
I was blamed for not clearing(?!) whereby she told me to clear another pile yesterday instead of my clothes ah! I HATE to be accused of and blamed for things not rightfully told to me yet why am i taking the blame?!
I thot this feeling will not come back after aunt passed away!! Why! WHY!!!!!!
I'm not that painful that some clothes are actually quite ex and limited edition...but what pains me is the arguement that mean to point i din keep my stuff properly that why lost is 活该!
Like i am staying in a place of not my own home....i cannot put things at the desired place (where clothes are to be hang up? is not the right place???!!!) and no need ask me and throw whatever liked....
*ARGH!!!!!!!!!* ;(