The star u gave me..
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
sun set at 11:01 AM

1st blog of 2010: Full of complaints:(

A very fast passing of January for year 2010! A new year, new happenings....but same old problem....

There is a project involvement in Brunei which i am very fortunately involved and gained quite a bit of experience. Experience not only abt the working culture in other countries, but also experiencing the lack of involvenment from our own staff when pertaining to information gathering...*sigh*...

A lot of times we are made to face users directly which initially we are told that we are not suppose to cos we are the partner party actually. But if we dun, a lot of call flow will not be able to be configured on time!

Well, i am lucky that i have a team of very spontaneous colleagues that are very supportive. The project is done n here i am, back in singapore.

The best part now is....i am suppose to do documentation for this project. From what i know...every since i joined this company, there is not even 1 copy of a documention of a client's system! Here i am, trying to consolidate all infos. Doing this documentation is like doing my presentations for training. It is never an easy job. But i'm pressed over n over again (u know from who again la) to have a dateline to finish this doc up and also to have a copy in my dept. The best part is, even if my dept hv a copy, how many of them will really go n read it up? Moreover, we are unable to login remotely too ah?!

Think my product manager is rite, he do not intend to give any at all. All this while he pressed for a client's doc but also till now see nothing. Then now i'm suppose to do up 1!!!! Moreover, he is doing this documentation with me. Final say to release this documention depends on him....wat am i to say??

If this is easy, please try doing then come n press me. So SO SSSSSOOOOOOOO IRITATED!!!!!!
Reminded me about doing the powerpoint for training! 1st time give training, then hv to do all 6 products at 1 go!!! Whereby 3-4 of it is i dun use de lor! Blood boiling!!!!
Everytime they say is for experience...but have they consider what i have gone through?!
Was told to have a class size best to keep within 10 but at site i have 25!!

*sign* many have said, this is my choice of job...if i am unhappy about it, what for i still cling on to it.

Dunno why now this resentment is building up in me...*unhappiness*.....