The star u gave me..
Thursday, August 20, 2009
sun set at 9:22 AM

Crappy talks!

Wow...long long time din blog already. But this entry is not something nice...wanna find a place to complain then start this...
I'm super pissed this morning! My mum is sick, need someone to take care and nudge her go see doc. So i initially tot bring her go doc then go in office a bit later but well...seems like more checks need to be done, so i took urgent leave instead:(
So, as usual, i msg whole dept. As usual sup asked if have any outstandings. I clearly stated "I DO NOT HAVE OUTSTANDING" doesn't it literally means that i do not have cases under myself that needs followup?? The 3 cases i informed aka for FYI only as these cases are already known to almost all in d dept even she herself know d lor and the next course of action is not decided by me so is a matter of to do or not not do thing only. How UNPROFESSIONAL am i in not handing over job well. I need enlightenment here!!
Do you think i take urgent leave for fun? Do i take my mum's health as a joking matter?? Do u think i deliberately not want to go to work??
I'm already upset about my mum's health here and i still get this kind of message telling me "How u expect the rest to answer the questions if u not in later. not profession 4 handling over jobs!" Fancy send me another message: "remember dept works as a team! no one is a standalone personnel. teamwork & cooperation is impt to keep job going". Hello! I take my work seriously, i want to work as a team more then anyone else but i seems to be the outcast here lor. fancy telling me abt team work! How many times am i not aware there is some kind of training or who going on leave? everyone in d dept know except me! Sometimes being asked then how to answer?? "eh...i nv hear got training"? what it tells others? my team-mates r not sharing info with me?? Asking me how come nv tell them the day b4 yesterday abt some company case they are working on but only tell them yesterday, i dun even know they are toking abt the case lor! The only thing i know is that d case was to get customers to ask their authoriy if want to commence the case but not confirm anything mah, my part already case closed this issue back in june! What u wan me to write/ email to inform all??
Haiz...never mind lah. I already very tired about it. I'll just d my part of job. I know bj will be telling me i 活该 ah, should change job ah. Why need tolerate anymore??
Seriously speaking...i can't juz quit like that! I need $$ to help support the household...the medicial bills i hv been paying is haiz.....If i can get better pay n jobscope, i dun mind. But looking at the market diificult...
Can't anyone be more understanding. I am juz a peace-loving person and i dun like all these!!That y i prefer to hide my sorrows.......I juz wan everyone to be happy!!