The star u gave me..
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
sun set at 1:22 AM

Being too nice but hv no good return aka 好心被雷劈, 自找麻烦!:p

Just wanna 发点牢骚。。。。

Recently kena a case which initially not done by me. I was
only taking it ( an add-on to the case) last week when i see no one seems to be
taking it up....even the one who is following on it also din take lor?! Then now
it become mine?? Just because i'm senpai?

By telling me now is not the
time to pin point whose fault is it for not following up(?!) and saying d head
is not updated?? Y is it that for me i have to keep her updated then the person
involve in the case no need mah? The one that sent out the email that say to
inform when the case happen again...then what is done? The one that advice the
person to act on the case, dun tell me dunno lor. If really dunno, who ask to do
d trace de? Still can trace less then required somemore...then tell me dunno hv
another?! Who is not taking the case seriously here??

It mayb my fault
for not updating my head (i updated a bigger head??), but well, d same question
will still come back mah! This sound so crappy! Like i ask something extra lor.
Y is she so quiet in the meeting when seeing me involve in the case but from
record, my name is not there at all lor. Am i being too busybody to try to help?
Should hv just inform d person who is following up to act on it!

i'm on the conversation wif the sale incharge toking abt how to interpret, i'm
sure its heard. How come when tech is on the line wif me she can hear la but
when i kena case she seem cannot hear leh? Does it means as long as i did not
personally go up to ask for advice or help, i'm not being entertained? Or she is
acting a savior to save the case when its blown?

Is my words so doubtful
and can't be trusted? If i really not taking the case seriously, i would not
have take the initiative to followup... The person doing din even call to
followup. I really wonder why even wanna help speak up for the case. Wah d more
i comment the more stupid i feel.

Sometimes feels that being too nice
will not be good in it seems its my fault for not escalating. We
are not proactive enough....?? Mayb they can try go ask customer who actually
follow-up on the cases n monitor and will contantly go ask if still hv the
issue?! Not just this case but others too....

Sometimes these cases make
me sick & tired. Very funny, a fren call today and asked if still in the
same company. He was commenting y with my potentials i'm still stuck there?!
Haha i'm asking myself the same question:p But haiz, wif economic like that now,
wanna find another place is hard lah.

Now i just wanna get on with what i'm doing, make the best out of it. Rather then make myself so miserable n stress. Luckily Thurs i'll be away on my holiday trip! Yeah, i really wanna hv a break from this country haha:p