The star u gave me..
Thursday, February 12, 2009
sun set at 12:25 PM

Resolution for the year....

Wah, so fast now already Feb and CNY is over too. It has been abt 3 mths (or more:p) since i last updated this blog:p. Yah, basically i'm lazy + no mood....:pLast year was a pretty up-down year for me. Which eventually resulted to this year's resolution hohoho:)

Resolutions for the year:

  1. Sleep early!
  2. Excercising more often
  3. Be more organzised ( not only @ work but at home too)
  4. Spend more time @ home
  5. Save $$

There are some others but i shall juz focus on the above 1st.
So this year is a new start. No matter what happen last year or previously is already over! No point brooding (i dun think i will remember too:p) and i should just move on with life and find a new direction.

Have been watching a lot of movies, reading books and surfing the internet. Seems like i am also losing touch of the latest anime as i am more into Taiwan Idol drama or Jap/Korean drama nowadays:p

Has been starting my Jap course since January, now is already the 8th lesson. It is more like a refresher course as most of the things taught i do remember haha. Surprisingly i thought i will fall asleep in class coz everytime on the way to class, i was super tired after a day's work, but i didn't:) I pretty enjoy the 2 hrs of class every tues & thurs evening. Hee, and also because i'm not taking it alone ah, dear BJ is taking wif me too:)

Oh, this year's birthday, i'll not be in Singapore! Hee, for the 1st time, i'll be celebrating my bday overseas lol.

Hmm...for how long i have not written a light-hearted blog?? Was last year really so bad:p Well, i just wanna keep myself going and stay happy^o^ That's me:)