The star u gave me..
Friday, August 08, 2008
sun set at 1:22 AM

I Dun Understand!!!

So frustrated and upset! Writing this to release some anger....
Recently there is a lot of going-ons at work. There is a lot of stress which i have to learn to manage. I think i gonna hit my peak of limit anytime~then BOOM!.
Like sometimes i was accused for not getting my info correct and have been passing last min work to the techs. Please lor, in the 1st place if i know, I'll tell already lor, i dun even noe there is a follow-up of the job or it was only issued last min! The scheduling is not so simple & i can do wonders if i can separate my mind from my programming(my main priority scope at work) and at the same time manage the schedule of the techs + answering calls from customers & technicians & helpdesk asking for schedules! Now d dept also hv to take up trainer job....which means addition responsiblity! I hv been trying very hard to find my balance & sort my priorities!
What we want is solution! If telling me off helps, then pls try to do my job then tell me how its like! I noe everyone is under a lot of stress especially recently there are a lot of projects coming up. But do understand that if i noe what to do, i wont have to ask already! I would have taken my own action & wat for i ask some more? To get more humiliation & sarcasm?
I can get angry also de! If really got me blown up....i dun think I'll feel bad:p i respect ur schedules doesnt mean d tone of ur voice can b so mean lor. Nowadays shortage of manpower i also noe. But customers' request what i can do? Tried to push le but sometimes juz cannot lor. Pls do it urself then! Its not that i everyday smile smile means i hv to take in all the gibberish!!
Hmm...this is gonna sound off-brand but now come to think of it, my manager is right, it time to pass over all the scheduling of job to the tech's sup! Why shd i bother so much! what for get myself so worked up & stress?! I cant cope these much of loads!
I juz dun understand why pple cant say things nicely. juz bcoz u r stress does not mean u hv to b mean to another person to make urself feel better!
Does it mean i slap u le, then after that i tell u I'm sorry. It is ok?! Its rubbish!
Cant anyone understand my position? How hard i'm trying? Some stuff are juz not within my control mah! I also have my emo!
Can't believe i'm writing this & tearing @ the same time.....Crying do help me release some stress. After crying, i'll juz put everything behind & move forward. This mayb unhealthy coz i noe the root problem hv not been solved.....