The star u gave me..
Saturday, July 19, 2008
sun set at 10:25 AM

Out of Control!

I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt is another step forward.
~Thomas Edison
Opps...this is suppose to be up by July but .....haiz edited so many times:p till now: 3rd of Aug! sorry i got some of you so worried about me.... Yup, recently i have been under quite a lot of stress and was burnt out. This post is suppost to go up say 2 weeks ago. But after a long of sorting and thinking, the finalised is this.
Long story to go....

I do not know or understand why i was suddenly crying and felt so alone & isolated :( Usually for me, this usually is very short term. I'll feel emotional, only FEEL like crying. But this time round, I was crying suddenly for continuous 2 days?! The only thing that set me thinking how and why I got into this state is….work stress & human relation…. I feel that i seems to be getting more & more impatient...can snap anytime. I dun like this feeling of losing my self-control. Am i getting too agitated and sensitive with the going-ons ard me?

So news to share, my company is now doing Branding. What is Branding? Branding is the sum total of a company’s identity—from its name and logo to every piece of communication, internal or external—to every encounter every customer or potential customer has with it.

Cheem? Well it’s a great experience for me since I was select to be one of Brand Champions. This made me see some elements in me that can bring about to the others to help them in this Branding exercise. But there is pressure too. On top of me is my group lead, then the manager. But as brand champ, my head is the CEO…….

Like I mentioned, I felt this isolation in my dept… Is it that I’m sensitive? I’m quite weary of this going on. Things have been quite different. I’m not as close to them as before? So many things to question myself...

Also d relationship between sup & me is ...confusing ( to ME!). Sometimes when i'm already very upset abt what was said n done...d next moment when i'm cooler...she changed....wah, i hate this feel man! This is the part that got me really really upset....
After sorting some thots & advice from others...the explanation of her actions seems to suppose to be bringing me to see the other way of doing things. But well, people react differently to serveral gestures & actions i guess. How would u react if someone is giving u a stern face & said something quite commanding which is suppose to mean goodwill to u?! I cant feel the goodwill advice, i cant see the point that is to be brought about!

On 17th & 18th July attended this Problem solving & Decision making course. Its quite an insight for me becoz d trainer did not use the paper materials which states d matters of problem solving. Which actually when in school, all these already taught. it is juz a matter of whether u practise it or not. This trainer make us see the picture clearer through activities. Its quite stimulating and the psycology approach make me understand better. Have done a test to see if i'm a left or right brain. Hmmm, guess wat, i'm a total right brain - the brain that is for emotional & creative thinking. I'm the extreme right, which also means (according to the trainer) i'm full of empathy?!

Oh, this yr my company insync is @ Batam View Resort. Quite nice place and beautiful seaside:). The seafood @ the kelong there is nice too.
The View from the hotel room:)

My Team : VALUE (and we are the Victory team^o^v)

SSC Shines^.^ ( My dept:p)

Can u Spot me:p On Journey back home...

View of the poolside

Hee...its me:p

The whole of Commserv except 4 others joining us on later part of the day

So far so gd for now. Must practise wat sok taught, thx for the advice not forgetting the rose:p . Really really appreciate it! This is a time to pull myself thru the stressful period. I must believe that i can do it!

Oh, short story to shared:p Before this Insync, i was there for a 2D1N Brand Champ course. Had an encouter in the room...during dinner, my colleague is sharing her experience in on of the hotel in Bangkok. So after dinner, we went back to our room (twin-sharing) to get a shower b4 continuing burning midnight oil. I was having a nice hot shower. When i'm done, the mirror is already fogged. Then, when i look up at the mirror....i saw writings on it! i wasn't wearing my specs then, but my sight is still ok...i was stunned for a couple of mins. I thot to myself...logically speaking...mayb the previous occupant might hv wrote it there. Dun think too much. So i hurried settle myself, put on my glasses and went out. I told my colleague abt it so as she dun panick when she saw it. She asked if the writing is still there i said yup. So the 2 of us went to see...haha...well...its really nothing to worry:p Well, we were a bit late for the meeting wif the rest of the champs eventually. But haha, told them its their fault to hv said those story during dinner...then a bit freaked out when seeing that in d bathroom:p.......Luckily the next room i'm in during insync is better haha:)