The star u gave me..
Saturday, June 14, 2008
sun set at 9:51 AM

June already...

Hmm...suppose to upload this post on 13/06/08, but was in my draft....till now 20-06-08:p
So many going-ons this month. Starting of this week on Monday, i called home in the afternoon, mum told me that grandma hospitalised as she is been knocked down by car!! I was stunned and worried, for the rest of the day @ work...cant focus. Whole family went to the hospital in the evening. Can see that grandma is still in shock. She had 4 stitches at the back of the headache, some cuts and her blood pressure is high. Feel so sad to see her like that but luckily is nothing too serious. The story is, my aunt wants to bring her son & grandma out for lunch. When they are walking pass the carpark, this damn car is reversing to park. My grandma was walking behind my aunt. The car stopped when the driver saw my aunt on the left side, but my grandma was already shocked and fell down. If the driver was a little more grandma's injury might be more serious. Thank god she is ok now^.^

Last weekend, manage to hv a hearty chat wif qing over msn. Hee, so long din hear her vocie le^.^ Qing, its really a good chat and catch up haha^^ hope to do it more offten:p

Recently the company is starting on Branding and a few of the staff are selected as brand champions. I'm one of them...which means, more stuff to do le. The 1st is a brand champion workshop in Batam from 26th June-27th June. And most probably we will have to plan for this year's Insync (4th-6th July) Wah, less then a week leh, how to plan?!

Hope this new activity can gain more valuable experience which so far i think is really essential and eye-opening.

This week watched 2 movies: Shaolin Girl and The Incredible Hulk. Quite nice n enjoyable:) Now looking forward to watching Don't mess with the Zohan^o^

Sunday, June 01, 2008
sun set at 4:33 AM

Movies ^o^

Writing this after a midnite movie out wif the gals except for Huah who not able to make it. We watch Sex and the City^.^ Quite a nice one to humor my day. Maybe i can start to watch the series as i only on/off watched the series previously :) What i like about the movie, is the friendship they have. We have a short chat and drink near my place @ a prata shop b4 going home.
Also have watch The Chronicles Of Narnia-Prince Caspian earlier this week. There is 1 song (The Call) in the movie which i like and have put up on my "OnSong" column.
Another movie song which i have already put up is "Sunny Day" from the movie: Accuracy of Death aka Sweet Rain~ 死神の精度. This movie is interesting. A pharse that the shinigami ask: "How do you think of Death? ~Death is nothing special. But how to live your life is important"
Really sets me thinking.....Mayb i shall get the novel to read:)
These 2 songs are soothing and quite meaningful, brings me memories and thoughts.
Was reading my previous blogs, seems like life really past real fast. From 2005 entries till now... My early entries were still of more joy, nowadays ones are so much more emotional. A fren was saying her fren read my blog and asked me to cheer up and dun feel so emo haha. Thx Ya, I'll try hard^.^
Wat is going on in my life? Everyone is moving on and i seems to be still in my own world and well...can feel that I'm in a fix. I dunno what i can do*sob+ARGH!!!!* Coz I'm confused myself. Just wanna let out a loud scream and cry. Am i getting more and more self-centered that its only abt myself? When reading the early entries...have a lot like meeting huah, sok, qing etc so much more often...Now it seems is going a distance...not to say qing as she is away from s'pore.
Is it due to work or myself? I know on my part i also din do enough. But i dunno where to start....*sob*;( It really pains me and i do feel hurt at times. Am i geting sensitive?
I might be avoiding as I'm afraid to face it. I'm frail....... *sigh...sob*