The star u gave me..
Saturday, May 17, 2008
sun set at 10:31 AM

Coming & Going....

It is our choices that shows what we truly are, far more than our abilities..
~J.K Rowling

When come across this quote, i find it is quite true. i find that it does applies to me, coz i choose to show certain sides of me to certain people:p
To me, i find that exposing too much of myself makes me feel insecure. Mayb is becoz i have already been used to bottling up my feelings and thots for too long that to me, its a protection.
Have been feeling pretty low lately...some stuff happened and also sudden sadness (always feel like crying..??), dunno how to explain:p
Some of my buddy colleagues r leaving *sob* but also glad for them as they are gonna seek better prospects elsewhere. Jia you^^
Come to think of it, i have been here for 3+ yrs. Hmm...can't believe i have worked here for so long. Like Gayle always asked when she comes back for her holiday: u still working in the same company? seems like i dun have a very stable image of maintaining my job:p But the yrs i'm here...wat makes me stay...i think is the responsibility of the project(Synergy) i'm put to do ba. I dun wanna leave when in my hand i still have this responsiblity. I dun really feel attached to the company but the people here are quite good to me. i do enjoy working with them but seeing people coming in going...for the pass 3 yrs...abt 20+ pple leh. Sometimes i really wonder how can i stay on like that?! Previously when i was in my 1st company, wat makes me leave is partly also the colleagues' resignation. The morale is not there. The company is not doing enough to keep able people! Recent chat with a fren..."At your age you still have not hit more then 2k...shouldn't you be considering better advancement" i find it quite true but i feel like i'm already in my comfort zone..i not working for the sack of working..more like passing my day. Now worse, wanna leave also gotta bonded for 3 mths n resignation notice is in order for me to go...i still hv to survive another half a yr or so...which is almost yr end le!!!!!
How....anyone can enlighten me....i sort of dunno where my path is le. Or should i say that i hv not been seriously thinking abt it?!