The star u gave me..
Thursday, December 13, 2007
sun set at 2:03 PM

The meaning of Life

Quote of the month:
The meaning of Life is to give life meaning.
-Ken Hudgins

I fully agree with the above qoute. But sometimes the definition is vague. How can i express what life is. I can't even see where my life is going to now! Dunno if its my emo again or what, i start to ponder and get emotional. Have i been suppressing myself lately again? I dunno. To express myself in this form is quite hmm...unusual. Juz have a sudden urge to express my thots somewhere. Who ever reading this, dun worry abt me haha:p Think i once in a while will be like this.

Like i applied for UOW's course and has been accepted, but in the end i gave up. Why so? Firstly, finance; second and most importantly, i'm not prepared at all! i know i should not delay anymore, but why am i spending so much money on it when i dun have the heart to study?! Currently undergoing CCNA certification exam, have to pass it before May. Now i juz wanna concentrate on this.

There is so much to sort out in my life plan. For instance, the priority to the decisions made etc. Frankly speaking, i see my goals, but i'm not stepping out. I cant sort my priorities. My mind is telling me i have to, but in realtime, i cant do it.

Sometimes i would rather enclose myself, keep everything to myself than to share out my feelings and thots. Suppressing and accumulate would get me no where but i need a burst out moment to release all this emotion.

Everyday passing is meaningless nowadays. i can do stuff but i dunno if they do register in my brain. Find that i'm getting more and more into pretendence. I dunno what pressure i'm having, dunno what else i can do, can i juz stone????!!!!