The star u gave me..
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
sun set at 12:56 PM

Swirling Nov...

Quote of the month:

The invariable Mark Of Wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mood not very good recently. Maybe is due to pressure at work....
Hmm...have not been updating lately. Dunno is due to no mood or what. Haha...starting to get my mind to think wild again...or am i getting sentimental?? Okie...i seems to be getting confused of what i'm writing:p
Okie, so happening going on ard me:
1. Have an enjoyable trip to Bangkok with some of my ITE frens from 8-11 Nov^.^ ~ load up the pics link on Facebook but if anyone wanna view, let me know coz think have password:p. I'm still trying to do up a slide show haha:p
2. Mental stress for new responsiblity @ work - Challenging but mental straining too.

For the other months...haha due to bad memories...i dun have much to comment on. Like u guys have known, my memories super cannot make it sometimes:p

Okie, so my Bangkok trip is fun. Have never thought that i will go travelling with Pearl, Kym, Winson aka Hamster & Alex. A pity that Serene not able to join us. Went ard visiting temples and shopping grounds. Really did quite a lot of walking:) The 4 days there seems so short. Hope to be able to go again soon^.^ Would post up the pics here soon :)

Haiz...dunno if its due to stress or what, can feel the pressure building up in me....
Typing this @work. Need to get my mind distracted sometimes, so dun mind me:p