The star u gave me..
Friday, June 29, 2007
sun set at 4:12 PM

Success is simple.
Do what's right, the right way,at the right time.
- Arnold Glascow

Yo, its coming to an end of another month and i have yet to post up any blog:p So here i am to blog haha:pHmm...its not that i dun wanna blog, but i dunno to blog abt what ?! *sob*
Argh, these few days have been very busy and tired. Can feel the stress building uPppPPP.... There are so much to brainstorm which sometimes i find i might not be able to cope...even if i asked...i feel stupid :( What is the point of asking when the reply is something i dun understand and can even feel the impatience there?! Hmmm...wondering if i'm feeling emotional again....
I can feel that i might be running out of patience....dunno how to describe this feeling....
Oh, today the Synergy committee is out. As usual, i'm in the committee again but well, i hope i can really be juz d advisor haha:p
Time in life is so ever changing. Everyone have to choose a path to move on.....