The star u gave me..
Saturday, May 12, 2007
sun set at 10:08 AM

Moving Forward...

Okie, this is suppose to be last mth's post but well:p

Quote of the month:

Planning for happiness is rarely successful, Happiness just happens.

Robert Half

Why is every month passing by so quickly. This month have quite a lot of going-ons. Like i got myself bonded for 3mths for taking CCNA course; juz signed an agreement/contract that the office come up with... Initially, i hesitated to sign when 1st seen the contract as i dun really agree with the terms, but well, the management amened the clause again, then was said if not signed, will automatically be treated as a resignation noticification for a month. Tell me what choice i have!!!

Rite above was meant for May entry.....

Now in the month of June....another week more the CCNA course will be over! The next streeful thing will be the exam...

Recently have been on a bus journey(abt half an hr) n my thots starts flooding into me...made me think of what am i looking for in my life:( I know this might be quite a common thing in my blog as i always blog that i'm aimless. Like a saw a fren's msn nick: "A goal without action is just a wish" How very true is that. I'm stagnent at a point now, not moving anywhere. I dun like this feeling.....
Can someone knock some sense into me?!