The star u gave me..
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
sun set at 9:12 PM

April already....updates..

Quote of the month:

Knowledge comes, but Wisdom stays.

-Alfred Lord Tennyson

Its a brand new month! Hee, this mth seems to hv a lot to talk abt but well...dun think is convenient to tell here haha:p Started a new blog^.^ I dun think i'll release d addr, gonna make it my personal online diary:p If i figure out how d sercurity works then mayb heehee:p
Finally moved in to the new office. Now can save a lot of busfare as can walk home heehee :) Dun ask me walk to work...morning bathe then walk to work very hot *sweatdrops*Now can be home ard 6pm, so have plenty of time:) Find that the nearer to home, after work wont hv the mood to go out coz home is so near :p
Woh, time is going so fast, after Net's ROM, we see another blissful couple^.^ Congrats! Actually tat day wanna where skirt...but leg kena cut by my bro's mattress' broke spring:( Nvm, there are Po & sok's wedding to go still:p
Now trying to reframe from MJ:p Weekends i seldom go out...mostly juz stay home read books, surf net, sleep...feels like long time nv hv a gd rest leh:p Felt so relaxed. If not my shoulder pain will come back...dun wanna keep taking medicine...pill too hard to swallow *sob*
Nowadays hang out at various KBox outlets haha...coz most of the time(recently) meet out with the ITE mates usually would end up in a ktv seesion (altho previously planned for a movie:p)
This year's bday quite fun haha. On eve of bday, went out for movie, dinner, then to East coast Park hang out till 2+ am. By the time i reach home is abt 4+am liao. i did not apply leave for the next day:p So slept for 2-3 hrs then go work. D day suppose to be quite happy...but then ......Nevertheless, at night went out for dinner @ Kushinbo in Suntec^.^ Free treat haha so happily eating:)
This yr's bday wish: Hope to get my driving licence soon!!!!
Now life is back to getting busy @ work n most prob on CCNA certification course soon...

To be continued....