The star u gave me..
Saturday, January 27, 2007
sun set at 11:05 AM

Looking back....

Yo^.^ Happy 2007 everyone. Know i have not been updating my blog for super long time:p Most of the time is no mood to write lah:p
The whole of last year have so many going-ons, especially the later half. Hee, guess that’s the part which i din blog ba*.* As known to most of you, 2nd half of the yr, my office always have lots of events going on.
17 Aug: Insync @ Bintan Loola
22 Sept: Synergy @ Asian Civilization Museum
18 Oct: Thailand Insync (Bangkok & Chiang Mai)
2 Dec: D&D 06

Hee, in between there are stuff like taking golf course, short trips to Genting, Family Day @ Science Center which i cant make it etc.
Okie, enough of office stuff, if not i'll be hantump for always talking abt office going-ons haha.
The CG group also have quite frequent gatherings like dinner and updates like hee, 2 are gonna get married soon:) Congrats! Huah is back from her studies and she did pretty well. Well done; Qing gave us a surprise by popping up at Sok's place during X'mas cum New yr gathering whereby we are suppose to have arrange to have a web conference with her online!!! She really caught us in surprise haha, well, its her haha:p
The poly grp have a few gatherings when Gayle came back to S'pore. Been out more often with BJ. She now in the midst of looking for a job, hope she get her desired job soon^o^v
The xmy grp, as usual, frequent MJ session haha. Nowadays not only MJ with them but with my colleagues too:p XMY grp is MJ overnight grp hohoho...Well, i know it’s not good for health and also it’s not a very good lifestyle, but...haiz....
Hmm...This 2007, 3 buddies getting married, Net ROM in April, Po wedding in Sept, and Sok wedding in Dec (finally :p). Gals, congrats^o^
Hee, seems like writing long story. This year is a year of studies...have been dragging for sometime but well, at least I’m working towards it :p Most prob will be taking SIM's course ba....Have to start sorting my choice..plan to go for the Oct in-take...
Sometimes cant understand myself, my life and my future.