The star u gave me..
Sunday, May 07, 2006
sun set at 11:32 PM


Everyday is drifting pass so fast...year after seems so blank:p
Have been thinking over a lot of stuff lately. I am not a person who can manage my own life!! I'm stll not as independent as i think i am. My mum still hv to worry for me for lots of stuff.Sometimes i really wonder how i can be a filial daughter.
Although i can always lend a listening ear to my frens, giving them advise etc, but...hmm...i dun think i'm being truthful enough to them as i cant bring myself to tell them my trouble moments....The truth is, i'll also keep things to myself. My thoughs, feelings etc...i juz cant voice them out. Minna, gomen ne.
After my past relationship, d one thing i learnt, to voice out my tots. I'm learning still. If one day i really burst out everything...i think tats the time i have reach my limit.
I know, my dear frens are always there for me when i needed them. Arigato minna^o^
Come to think of it...i seems to be always putting up a front in front of others. What it happening to my true self? Am i being me??The urge of crying has been stirring in me again, but i juz cant cry out. Need something to trigger:p
Juz need a space to write out these tots...............