The star u gave me..
Sunday, February 12, 2006
sun set at 11:59 PM

Something to start with....

End of Lunar New Year liao...this post is suppose to be up yesterday but hee, too tired as got home quite late & i no mood to go change the blog haha:p The content was written yesterday in office:p Have some free time after clearing some programming case, i wrote this post, if not when at home, i dun even know if i will be writing haha.

Hmm....seems like its time to revamp my blog site haha...din really have the mood to do so actually, but well, seeing this same layout for so long also quite sian:p Have been searching for nice layout but in vain : (
Havent been blogging since last month. U all know lah:p lazy me lor.
Anything happening going on for me throughout this missing blogging days? Well...sad to say nothing much happening in my life*sob*
The most happening event...hmm... Qing and huah's departure to further their studies in Australia ba. Qing's departure was brought forward and as usual, gave us a surprise notification lor. Actually have a lot to write on that day she left...all those "gan yan" as she is gonna left us for 2 straight years wor, but well...L.A.Z.Y. :p
Have a dinner outing wif huah and the rest of the group @ Prego & bakerzin. Some pics taken by sok is found on this link ^o^
Huah's sending-off was very re nao. Most of her frens are there and her family too. Hope this 2 gals stay healthy and cherry always^.^
Oh, how everyone's lunar new year? Mine was filled by lots of mahjong sessions haha:p I know not good lah, but really got nothing else to do. Sad ah, new year have nothing better to do:p
I have been playing mahjong every nite starting from 27th to 30th till morning.....Well...for new year only will be like that, other days wont play tat long ^o^ Hmm...this lunar new year really have nothing to write abt ah....
Yesterday met BJ go shop shop. Then well...din really manage to get the stuff we are suppose to get :p Then we went to Esplanade there see if can catch fireworks. Ha, at first we thot the fireworks over already bcoz its 9plus pm liao, then there is this announcement that says the firework display is gonna start in 3 mins. Wor, fantastic display^o^ Too bad, only capture in pic, cant video take( phone not enough memory) :(
I'm pre-blogging in office on this boring Saturday. If not i go home no mood to write again haha:p For your information, i have not change my job yet, still in the same telecommunication field. Time pass very fast, working here for almost a year soon ah. Heard from BJ, Gayle is asking if i'm still working in the same company...haha Gayle, i am:p
My mind have a lot of stuff right now, but dunno wat to write here:(
Planning to register for Uni, closing date on 21st. Hee, try to see if can get into any course ba. But then, its just trying to apply. If got the placement, i dun think will go for it also...full time wor, another factor...$$ lor. Bro gonna start schooling in Poly well...might have to fork $$ to his education fee( mum said)...see how ba. My study plan might have to drag then.
Have been wanting to go on holiday for quite sometime. Discussing wif BJ to go Taipei in May, but dunno can or not...yet to be confirm:p Hee, any other people interested to join us?
Wah, my shoulder pain is back. Now can feel my neck getting stiff and shoulder numb....too cold or strain too much again hee...nv know. This pain come n go...
Come to think of my life...i have nv come to think and plan what i am gonna do ;( Everyday is passing and i have nothing much to achieve! Think i'm panicking...all this 25 plus years what have i been doing? Days are slipping and no plans in L.I.F.E!!!!!! Everyday is work then home or work, meet frens for dinner etc then home. Someone enlighten me please..................................*sob sob*