The star u gave me..
Sunday, September 25, 2005
sun set at 2:07 AM

Finally Over^o^

Hihi, have been gone for sometime:p Gomen ne. Have been very stress n busy at work recently due to a company event that finally take place yesterday^.^ Oh, juz wanna say this, my previous post Titled: SATURDAY is really a saturday, time i blog it is ard 5+pm liao in d office:p The timing is not right as i forgot to change it:p
Yeah, i finally free from staying back after work:) After being in this organizing committee of the event, i have more opportunity to work with my colleagues from other dept. All r nice pple but d way how this event is been planned is not quite organized. Nevertheless, this event after much stress n sympathy from d pple ard me, have a happy ending. The clip that me n my colleague was doing din really make me feel so impressed, but well, since boss say ok n i'm running out of ideas how to have it modified (n i PRACTICALLY have NO TIME to have it changed:p) so lets juz stick wif this outcome ba.
Have to thank Sok. She so busy and ill, yet i still go trouble her abt how to merge voice n music. Gomen ger. Now i learnt how to use the software, can try to do myself liao:) Boss say d music for d clip still dun really sound nice, hmm...n they intend to show d clip in an oversea event...wah...:p
Like caiyun say, this is an ECA the company gave, no extra pay to it. D onli thing gain is experience n bond. Hee, i was put in-charge of the technical control, which means...d whole run down from the opening; launch and salsa will be under my control. If my timing is not rite...everything might be quite disastrous:p Best part is, no one tot of the intro music of vip to give speech; the launch pad when activated, wat music to play b4 going into clip...Luckily, in d morning when i woke up, i boliao go edit songs which we have actually wanna used but did not. N have to arrange i decide on a song, set some timing for d lighting to be projected on d products. Hmm...i really must thanks Karaoke Club when i was in ITE amk. Having the experience in controlling lightings n sound for seminars, events(Investiture), this task assigned to me was quite hmm..ok. As d main control person is not me, i merely juz coordinating wif d DJ, so i juz have to let him know when n where i wan wat. Not like in ITE, have to do everything ourselves. So having everything plan out n set time...took me 2 hrs. Nv know i can be so patient to sit down n think of all this. Mayb is bcoz no one else seems to know, well, cant blame, most of them do not have this experience.
Well then, now everything is over. I finally can peacefully take MC/leave without having to worry, things not done:p Have been down wif flu for a week but dare not to take any leave/MC. Hee, din know i can feel so responsible. But if no one do, i feel very uneasy leh.
Hmm...long time din write so long liao. Now my busy days have juz ended, back to normal working life:) hohoho. Finally can go home on time for dinner, due to this event, i have not been at home for dinner for a week;( n have been skipping dinner as i'm too tired n no appetite. Now i can go out wif frenz after work for dinner too^o^ Yeah!!!!! Back to freedom n no more responsibility^.^v