The star u gave me..
Thursday, September 01, 2005
sun set at 10:58 AM


Hee...same old beginning...long time din blog:p
Recently hmm..nothing much nothing to blog. Everyday come and go as it is. No entertainment or spice in life. Feel like crying out as i think i have been bottling up too much but juz cant make myself cry;(
Got this bitter n miserable feeling building up in can i let go? Everyday seems to pass juz like tat n think i'm mentally stressed by all going-ons. Getting sick make me feel worse...have been coughing for a week! Now find tat life is slipping real fast. Nothing much have been accomplished yet time goes away so fast. Is there really a meaning in Life? My mind is so mentally stressed, restless. Cry out might be my best way to release this feeling ba..but how...........................?!