The star u gave me..
Saturday, December 10, 2005
sun set at 1:30 AM


Hee, finally back to updating this blog:p
On 3rd Dec is my company's D&D. Quite fun...some pics taken.... ^.^ Oh, during lucky draw, i got a sony ericsson Z800i 3G handphone. Anyone interested wanna buy *hee*?

Have been on training course since 5th Dec till now. Very tiring but quite an experience:p Have a lot of stuff to learn...dunno if my brain is capturing anything haha:p The training is conducted at Merchant Court Hotel, nice place n food^.^ but heard is quite expensive. Have 4 more days to go then will end this training!!!!! Hee, feels so fat after the training as always eating:p

Last month think whole month din blog ba:p Everytime have something floating in d head but well LAZY is the word GOMEN NASAI ;(

Wor, X'mas is round the corner! So any of u have any plans yet? Please update me a WISH LIST!!! Everytime of this season, always have to crack brain on presents haha ^.^ Worse, bday presents too!!!! OMG, so broke = p

Tats all for today...Juz now laugh too much on d way back wif hua, qing n sok, now sore throat n headache:p Once in a while to have this kind of laughing session is good yr might not have this chance liao *sob sob* HAve to sleep liao...later still have training from 9am-5pm...*sob* on a Saturday;(..............................................