The star u gave me..
Thursday, May 04, 2006
sun set at 12:36 PM

Taihen Desu ne.......

Hmm...dunno y nowadays very sian:( Help!!!! need something to spice up my life;(
Have a lot of going-ons in the office, but well, life still going on....
Gotta plan my leave 4 1/2 days to clear. Kenji they all intend to have chalet @ d end of this month...but well, drag till now still haven book...dunno eventually will have or not.
Now is lunch hr, waiting for my food to come...dun wanna sit at my desk do nothing, so decide to blog haha.
Come to think of it, i also haven blog for sometime too liao:p
Mum has been asking me, do i still considering go study or not. Dunno how to reply... Now my bro in poly. See him study until very stress i also scare...
Now mind have lots of thots floating, but do not know how to put in words *sob*
Need a break from everything here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!