The star u gave me..
Monday, August 01, 2005
sun set at 2:31 AM

;p long time din blog......

Hmm...haven been blogging for a month plus....bascially is becoz i'm lazy hahaha:p
Ok quick review of wat is happening ard me for the pass month. From starting of this month, 1-3 july, i went to Batam, Turi beach Resort, for my company's Insync. The place is quite beautiful & relaxing. Its a 3 day 2 nite event. Have got quite interesting activities organized by the management. But too many stairs liao! In my whole life, i think this is the 2nd time i have to climb so many steps in 3 days! The resort is of Javanise Style, so very attic and cosy. The mosqitoes there also quite deadly:p The 3 days there was quite well spent, n also got the chance to mingle ard wif all the colleagues^o^
Hmm....Ater the trip, is back to normal working n home basically. have a few meet-outs wif the gals and tat is how life goes...haiz....
Oh, on 16th July, is the launch of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Hee, i got up quite early to go buy the book:p n finish reading it on the 3rd day. This book is so sad...a great person dead this time....This time round, there is more on the relationship and romance among harry n his mates.
On 30th, went big boss' house bbq.Nv knew there is a condo bhind Ex-Peicai leh haha:p There r quite a lot of food n "drinks". As the bbq r not quite done, we have salads as appeitizer. Guess wat, i actually ate baby spinach wor @.@ Then big boss is going ard pouring us choice but drink lor. 1st is red wine...but i dun really like the taste:p The i change to raspberry vodka lime. This really taste good haha, but later then i realise the raspberry vodka is of 26%:p Then boss wanna pour red wine took another cup of it...but told him i dun really like...then he say nvm...he change to white wine..*faint* So i have been drinking a mix of alcohol d whole nite. After feeling a bit dipsy, went out walk walk, tok wif other colleagues sitting outside, drink some mineral instead haha. Then my colleague Caron, she was eh...hmmm...drunk again...Like when in batam, she drunk too, then keep saying she ok, still can see who is who blah blah blah...haha, so no choice but to send her home lor. Was quite worried if her dad will be angry wif her or not ...hmmm....
On 31st July which is Kenji's bday, we met out at P.S wif Shaun n KY. Then went Fish&Co at Parkmall. Kenji was quite furious wif their service bcoz, after all our dishes have came, his is still missing in action. We r cracking joke like...gotta go fish up d fish 1st lah, need to draw line lah etc...pretty lame ah:p But after waiting for half an hr, he decided to cancel his order even if its done, he wont want it anymore too. Can understand lah, ask d waitress a few time n they say coming till half an hr d fish still haven appear:p
Ater d meal, we decide to go watch movie. We watched The Island. Not a bad show, find tat its quite worth $9.50 ^o^ Its a 2hr+ movie. Then after tat is home sweet home.
Now sitting here blogging bcoz i cant sleep, dunno wat is spinning in my mind now tat basically juz cant sink any sleepiness in me...haiz...better go lie down n start counting sheep haha...if not after abt another 4 hrs i'll have to wake up go work liao...ARGH!!!!!!!