The star u gave me..
Saturday, June 04, 2005
sun set at 11:25 AM

Slacky Sat Morning...

Haiz...updating my blog from work again:p Today is so boring n sleepy:p So decide to take this time to update this blog ^.^
Haiz...till now still dun have d chance to change my blog layout, seems like when i open d blogsite at home, my layout take quite sometime to load also...hmm...better scout for new ones:p
This whole week at work is pretty draining. Coz, i on training again, this time by my manager(aka boss of my section) haha. In d 1st few days onli me n d new colleague. The 2 of us packed ourselves wif sweets in case fall asleep half way hee:p But then..haiz..din really help much, i still get sleepy. But cant sleep leh, coz boss keep looking at me when he teach. being eyed leh;s hmm...then towards the end of the week, another colleague joined us...i changed seat n tot tat have new colleague join then i wont b d eyed target anymore..but *sob* still d colleagues also noticed n commented tat, as if he onli teaching me woh*.*llll Tat leaves me unable to sleep during training(altho i'm not suppose to in d 1st place lah) ;(. But funny lah, i'm not majoring in d module he teaching mah....haiz...d other colleague then is wor...y me ;( *sob*
Oh, good news. I got my confirmation liao. Hee hee, its less then 3 mths woh, i'm surprise coz last mth my supervisor juz told me they might extend d probation period leh...Well, nvm tat since confirm liao hohoho.
This whole week pass by quite slowly....
Mon: After work, went meet Qing watch Movie: Madagascar^.^ Quite funny but the movie seems quite short:p But did have a good laugh lah. After the show, too tired to take a bus too cab:p
Tue: 1st tot will b going home for dinner, but Serene asked if wanna meet out...well, can sense tat she dun sound rite like something is bothering her. So decide to meet her lor. Wah, she surprise me by tearing when we were chatting down d escaltor at causeway point! She having pressure since now she is back at work n have to take care of her baby at d same time. Well, cant really help her much but to lend her a listening ears. Have dinner at fiesta, then chatted till abt 9+pm then go home. Hope she alrite after chatting.
Wed: Hee finally a day i can b at home^.^ n have dinner wif my family. Remember next time dun ask me out on Wed hor, coz i wanna watch CHARMED!!!!! haha:p
Thurs: Meet out wif hua n qing for dinner at bishan's secret recipe. Haiz...another day not having dinner at home:p Well, have a fun time chatting wif d gals^.^ Chat till abt 9pm+ then we decide to go home. Went to take cab near d mrt there..then haha, we found an illegal taxi queue :p pple actully in q in front of d bus stop..hee so we join in d q lor, since d actual taxi stand is so far away:p
Fri: Nothing much, after work go home have dinner. Accompany bro go VCD shop see got any vcd to buy..then home again...Surf to see if there is anymore anime to watch. Then decide to get D.N.Angel n Girls! Brovo. hmm...sad ah...nothing much to is so boring:p
Sat: Later meeting qing go book fair, then in d eveing meeting hua n sok...dunno if sok can join us coz she having fever yesterday...haiz...ok lah, have to go back work.....