The star u gave me..
Friday, April 29, 2005
sun set at 5:40 PM


Another day have pass, the day come n go like tat...haiz....
Hmm..nothing interesting to write actually. Now off work liao, but meeting qing 630pm at bugis, if i go now, i'll be so early since she will onli b off at 6pm...So i might as well make use of the change to update my blog^o^
Haha...supervisor juz walked by:p
Hmm...later will be going Sunshine plaza see see, hee, qing ned to release stress haha, me too^.*
ok lah, i think i'll edit this post again tonite or something.....

Thursday, April 28, 2005
sun set at 12:10 PM


Woh, last weekend was stunned by my grandma's disappearance. Aunt called to say she n another aunt took bus to tampines buy stuff. but when my aunt got off d bus, she cant find grandma. So all d families went out to look for her. Well, as for my family, when we abt to go out find too, aunt called say grandma found. She actually got off earlier n was lost. But she took a cab to 3rd aunt's house. Thank God.
Hee, this week i din dl any anime at all yet. mayb tonite can start haha...naruto mah.
Recently have very weird dreams. Imagine i dreamt tat i am sleeping when i'm actually sleeping!!!! wah..... Stress ah.
Have been is so bored. When working, everyday is work then go home...What's LIFE!!!!!! I tend to make myself cry to release some stress, else i make myself cranky haha. Sad ah, live until like tat.

Thursday, April 21, 2005
sun set at 12:13 PM

hee ^o^

Yeah, me blogging again ^.^ Thursday liao, time really goes by very fast. this week is ending soon woh. On monday, shuhui sms me ask wanna go catch movie or not...but then i was booked so cant make it. Gomen ne.
I wonder how i gonna cure my shoulder leh...d doc's med doesn't seems to be a cure. Mayb i should juz go seiseh instead ba. But where got time to go, everyday work n they close on weekend;( sat half day but me sometimes sat gotta work leh...well them, think i'll take leave next mth to go see ba:p if not might go next sat if my mum if free^.^lll
heee, after watching gokusen in live, i think d anime should b good too. haven got chance to watch yet. mayb i'll watch after work ba...cant fight using tv over the weekend wif my bro since he home not really often.
Now lunch time...i dun really know wat to write lah, juz wanna type some stuff hoho, quite boliao i know but i juz wanna kill some time lah;(
This may not be long but i try my best to keep this updated. if possible, everyday lunch i'll come to update blog haha...see how wu liao i am......^o^

Monday, April 18, 2005
sun set at 12:24 PM

Starting of a week....

hee, me now at work place typing this blog :p hmm...very fast...already a month liao. My shoulder now quite ok after i took d med n have sufficient rest^o^ Sometimes will still pain lah...think will juz go see seiseh liao if cant cure.
Last nite was toking to hua over d phone at 1+ am haha chat until 3am, my dad's alarm clock rang then switch location from living rm to my bed haha...if not my dad will be..."wah, today working yet haven go sleep!!!!!" so hua called my hp when i got to d rm..but well, her hp low batt soon after too lah :p
Whole of last week hmm...din really have much happening.. oh, sl called me to ask me what job she should choose as she was being offered 2... well...toked d whole of my lunch hr n she still not very sure...but then she did decide on 1. The next day she sms me...she comments. for details, go ask her ba*.*
Now working life really is after work go home thing...onli entertainment i have is to get animes n drama to watch. Sad life ne.
Sok going for op tml...well..she is fully geared :p
haiz....dunno wat to write liao ;(
Okie, think i'll juz end here. going for my lunch liao. My colleagues cooking bee hoon haha. Sore te Jya^.*

Tuesday, April 12, 2005
sun set at 11:29 PM


Hee, yesterday nite went to see doc finally for my shoulder pain.Hmm...he gave me med for nerve pain hmm...n antibiotic too. Best of all he put me on MC today:p heehee. These few days at work have been very peaceful n i start to make call to d client when i finish editing their requests:) Quite fun n i have to pick up d probgramming which, i think is more fun then VB n c program:p
The pain on my shoulder have been on for a i was nagged to go see doc fast:p dunno y after i start working, my shoulder hurts...i used to have this kind of pain b4, but usually for a few days...this time a week liao...haiz....Dunno if its d positioning of d pc in d office or what...hmmm.....Well then at least today i got a full good rest:) althought still have d pain lah.
A lot of anime end liao, but then starting of this month, a lot of new animes r out too^o^ i ones at i'm after are Erementar_Gerad, Tsubasa Chronicle, Mar, Izumo, Magister_Negi_Magi...etc...some in chinese names so better dun put lah haha. D on-going one now onli left naruto ;( Hmmm....recently finish watching gokusen 1 & 2^o^ very nice gokuen(school) story. I can help watching it over n over agin comical. Today went to d comic shop to return some books, then heard from d shopkeeper tat their bosses intend to sell off their shop *sob* then i no place go rent comic liao ;( D shopkeeper ask me if i wanna buy over...i was like *.*llll how to?! i dun have tat much of $$ although i wanna have a comic shop of my own^.^. Anyone wanna join partnership or wanna have a shop of their own, let me know:) coz d shop intend to pass down d whole shop including d comics as well as d members they have now. Haiz...really hope someone can keep this shop going.......haiz.....

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
sun set at 12:08 AM


Haiz. another week passed. Work is getting more n more interesting ^o^ but my shoulder pain is back...qing say i may have chronic is juz d right side dunno if my left shoulder will be affected.... Hee, after getting office email addr, have been mailing qing very often hee, saving smsing $$ also:p
Last fri smuggled hua out to go KTV n then dinner at my place haha. In d morning, woke up at 650am, then reached orchard ard 8+am. So early is bcoz gotta accomapny sok go take pic of d tunnel tat link to Tangs for her project. Real weird to do tat early in d morning:p Hee, after tat we wondered ard to see where we can have breakfast. Finally, have a long waited coffee bean breakfast haha. Since last yr say wanna go coffeebean for breakfast but din go, so finally have d chance..... its really a very enjoyable morning, sitting at a cafe at orchard enjoying the sight of people walking ard on a weekday:) Then went sok's house to put down her stuff, then waited for hua to get ready b4 going to pick her. went kbox, have klunch n then d happy hrs...haha then after tat waited for qing to join us after her work. Poor ger suffered under a pig-headed boss:p Well, meal at my place was alrite. Then daniel dropped by n have a chat...hee really long time no see:p Ard 10pm+ Asked dad to send hua n sok home, whereas qing will still stay to continue watch anime n drama haha. D best part is after sending hua dad actually wanna take a route from punggol back home but he lost his way! n qing were like wah...luckily we din stay in punggol, if not i'll be scared by d silence in d nite n d area tat all look the same! Very eerie like we have been going ard in circles...wah....sweat ah. By the time i reached home again is 11pm+ Qing was very steady watching out for road signs to find way back^o^ Then she stayed till 12am+ then go back home. D next day she'll still be over at my place mah haha.
Haiz...sad, POT end ;( n it have a quite touching ending...making me teared. Not onli PoT, tactics ended too...*sob* suddenly like all d anime i after r all coming to an end *o* rumble n haruka hachiyou shou also is waiting for naruto to end.....*sob sob*
Me now watching a drama call gokusen. Its a female ver of GTO, but d story very comical:) D ending also very touching. Hee, trying to make myself cry these days:p On my bday tat day, coz po have matters to settle so we din celebrate, well then, at least qing wif me d whole day haha, thanx ger for accompanying me^o^ The scary thing is at 6pm+ i got a bouquet of flowers(rose) delivered to my doorstep....wah when i see d color of d rose...onli 1 person i know would sent it...haiz....fancy to have disappear for so long, y suddenly send me rose...the tot scares me:p Hmm...but then, d bouquet is nice lah haha.
K lah, i'll try update more often if my shoulder pain dun persist........