The star u gave me..
Monday, March 28, 2005
sun set at 1:25 AM

Hee.. end of another week

Wow, this week ends real fast mayb bcoz have a holiday ba. On Monday i was on mc...bronchi cough back n i keep feeling dizzy:p Work have been still d same....have been to a 3 days training course to learn abt one of the system tat we use. Quite enriching, but i need time to digest them all. On thur took half day went back see doc to change my medicine as it dosen't seems to have much effect:p Then went comicshop to rent novels....haha running out of novels to read :)
On fri, i have an early bday celebration wif jas, bj n sl. We went suntec's cafe cartel for dinner. After tat we chat abit before leaving d place to go fat frog....eventually we din go lah, coz cant find way into d car park. So we have to change tot wanna go ktv, but then...well...we settled to go holland V...but wah...due to holiday ba, there is no parking lot. Finally, decide to go west coast chit chat. Drop by ginza plaza to get drinks...haha guess wat, we went to west coast's mac. so actually no need buy drink lah....Sat there tok tok then seems like a grp of pple keep looking to our side...quite uncomfortable:p hee left then place at 9pm+ coz me have to work next day too lah:) Me got a bag from bj, n Sims2 university expansion pack from jas, sl n gayle. THANK YOU very much gals:) hee these few days i'm hook to d game, so must prob u wont get to see me online often:p Yeah, i also got Dan brown's da vinci code, deception point n digital fortress from kenji, ky, francis, atog n shaun^o^ Met them out on sat for lunch after work. Kenji really ahve a way of wrapping gifts. he wrapped d books in a cloth, then use flowers to deco it wah...really impressive..but when i first see it haha, it reminded me of those jap bento wrapped in cloth:p Heehee, now i have novels to read!!!! hope this can last me till harry potter is out.....which i think most unlikely ;(
Sunday actually wanna go watch movie wif my bro, but then it rained, so d idea was dropped, so i play sims2 lah haha...till now i sitting down here updating blog...if not someone might be nagging at me for not updating again:p Okie...have to go sleep liao...have abt another 5hrs of sleep b4 work......*o*

Sunday, March 20, 2005
sun set at 3:28 PM

End of a week*o*

Hee this week seems to pass so slowly. Hmmm this week finally start working at Commserv or communication service pte ltd. The place is not as furnish as philips but the people there r all very friendly:) The surprise news i get is tat most of the peopel there have been working for abt 3- 10 over years. The other 3 colleagues at my side say this is their 1st job and have been working there for years! Wah..wonder wat makes them stay so long....hmmm tat i have to find out for myself then:p
Everyday when i woke up, i do not have this feeling tat says too tired, dun wanna go work...haha tats how i feel everyday when i work at philips. D weird thing is i quite look forward to go work^o^ This week i haven really start any hands on as training have not start. Next week i'll be on training course for 3 days. Hee, working hrs is 830-530, after 530 i reached home at 6pm haha tats surprisingly fast. So happy go home early n rest:) Haiz, have to open an uob account coz d company onli bill in salary to uob:( well then now my posb account $$ drop, *sob sob* so xing tong ;( Now have to stock up clothes for work too...cant wear jeans anymore except on fri ;o more $$ gonna be spent haiz....
Prince of tennis is ending d week after next *boo hoo* so sad. hope they have more musical out since d anime is ending liao.....Now onli left naruto, tactics, school rumble n Haruka naru Toki no Naka de -Hachiyou Shou to keep track^.^
Bj dun say i din update hor, i juz wait then end of a week then update mah:p haha although there isn't much to update abt work lah, wait till i really get into work then will know haha. i might have lots to grumble:p

Saturday, March 12, 2005
sun set at 3:25 AM

Day of tots

Hee, finally start to use this bloggar program which bj recommended:) Well, not really familiar but as long can post n my whole blog dun go missing then can liao:p
Hmmmm...recent events happening...think is all those bdays bah. Suddenly eveyone's bday juz float in wah real broke leh. Lets see from last month's gayle's bday till this week leh...every week got pple bday, not forgetting my dear fren's baby Man Yue lah:) Woh...really can imagine how much i spent on presents liao...also these few weeks' bday r mostly 21st one too^.^lll haha k lah enough of grumbling:p
Yesterday nite had a very weird dream...this is d 1st time in my life i fell hurt in my dream...funny feeling n dream , really have this heartache feeling....previously when i dream of those floods, volcano eruption also dun have this feeling. At the most is panic n force myself to wake up but this dream quite hindering...hmmm.....haha dun say too much abt it lah...just wanna find a place to put my tots....
Have been thinking a lot these y life is like this, y i'm slacking haha.... I have a strong tot...tat is i wanna see all pple ard me to be happy always:) Sudden peace in my mind is quite occasional...nowadays i seems to bottom up a lot of stuff....which i juz simply dun feel like letting go but is going drive me to my peak soon...wondering y suddenly have all this thinking...i too free liao ah haha...
Well starting to work on Monday liao. How its gonna be i dunno but, i hope to meet more good pple:p As long as i have frens ard me its okie, mayb my thinking to naive lah, gotta have someone to knock some sense into me:p
Oh, yesterday went to visit hua, now she recovering at home...she quite bored haha so those who free can drop by her place give her a surprise haha....hua i think i know wat to get for u d next time i visit u liao....i gonna get u Genki Tea :)
Hee those reading this blog, sorry for my messy tots haha...i'll update soon after i start work:) Wish me luck^.* Stay happy always^o^v

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
sun set at 3:58 PM

Starting to work on Monday.....

Wah i lost d whole blog i typing juz no mood to fill up everything again....*sob sob*

New Bloggin Place :)

Hee actually i have this site long long time ago...but coz blogdrive quite easy to use mah so left this blogger fade in my memories:p hee due to requests to change d blog i decide to use this back then....coz easier to change here lah...dun say i din change liao hor:pBlogdrive one too hard to change i give up liao haha.....